Chairman's statement

Lawrence Buckley

I got back on a bike back in 2010 after an absence of 23 years Back then I was training for the Great Lakeland Challenge and soon got the cycling bug. I managed to top that fantastic event the following year by completing a ride from Sheffield to Paris.  But it wasn’t until 2014 that I finally decided to join Tickhill Velo.

It was quite daunting turning up on that first Sunday morning, a bit like being the new kid at school, but it wasn’t long before Martin Bagshaw introduced himself and made me feel  welcome. Looking back, joining the club  was the best thing I ever did. It has improved my fitness, my mental health and given me a large circle of friends and acquaintances that has opened up the world of cycling to me with trips in the UK like the Coast to Coast, Newcastle to Edinburgh and cycling holidays abroad to Gran Canaria and Mallorca, and taking part in the Mallorca 312 event. 

After I became a member I also got involved as a club sponsor. I then joined the committee as the Welfare Secretary and then most recently as the Social Secretary; a role I’ve really enjoyed.

In January 2024 I took over as Chairman from Martin Bagshaw. Martin’s been a great chairman, Club Secretary, Ride Leader, Events Secretary, club member and roommate on our charity rides to Scarbrough. It’s fair to say that he’s certainly left me some big shoes to fill…  But I do have big feet.

TVC has gone through a lot of changes since it was formed in 2012. People have come and gone, the club kit has undergone a revamp, Di2 electronic gears and disc brakes were a rare sight on a club ride, and electric bikes were an enigma.  I’m the fifth Chairman and this is my tenth year as a member. In that time I have witnessed the club develop into a friendlier and ever more inclusive organisation, run by its members, for its members.

During my time as Chairman, I hope to see a growth in the membership, and especially in the number of younger members and female members. I also would like to see more Saturday morning Gravel Rides, because not everyone can make it on a Sunday morning and it offers an interesting and challenging alternative to the bread and butter of road cycling. And a little bit of mud never hurt anyone.

Finally, if you’re thinking of joining this club, or any other cycling club for that matter, then I’d say, “Do it.” You won’t regret it.

Lawrence Buckley

We're' a laid back group and encourage all levels of experience. If you're unsure whether or not our rides are for you then get in touch or come along and try one of our Sunday morning café rides.

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