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Red Ride to Barnburgh Lakes

  • Date: 29 October 2023
  • By: Jenny Down

Fast bubble: Gary Durham, Jon Brough, Dave Lee, Mike Sales, Mick Cleghorn, Graham Fletcher-Adams, Dan Brewster, Dean O’Sullivan

Comfort bubble: Jenny Down, Karen Cleminson, Denise Motley, Sheryl Cowlam, Lawrence Buckley, Mick Abbiss, David Bradley, Adrian Shores

After another dreadful week of rain, Sunday dawned bright and sunny hence the large number of riders gathered at the cricket club. The fast bubble was without Pete Down, who had succumbed to ‘man flu’.

Just after 9am we set off up Wilsic (avoiding Apy lane which was still covered in crud from the previous week’s deluge) and headed towards Braithwell. The comfort bubble lead the way but once on the main road the fast bubble did their thing and disappeared up the road not to be seen again until the café stop.

The comfort bubble set a cracking pace but all was good as I could still hear Denise and Karen chatting behind. Things went a bit quiet on the hill to High Melton then across the road towards Marr, (if we’d turned left Barnburgh Lakes was only 1 mile down the hill). Quick loop around Brodsworth brought us back to Barnburgh. We only had to negotiate 1 bit of flooded road, but as always muttering from the riders at the back about the lack of mud guards could be heard.

The fast bubble were sat outside still waiting for their food and muttering about the price of the £8 fudge cake. Mick and Graham were conspicuous by their absence… Group photo duly taken the fast bubble departed whilst the comfort bubble was still waiting for food. Fed and watered (eventually) we set off back up the hill towards High Melton, without Lawrence who cycled the 1 mile back home. We said goodbye to Mick who went to do a few more hills. It was a steady ride back into a head wind to Cadeby where Mick joined us again. David and Denise both had chain issues before climbing up Sprotbrough Falls. We said goodbye to Mick again, then carried on via Balby and up Adys hill into Wadworth where we said goodbye to Adrian.

David was now the last man standing and vastly outnumbered 4:1 by the ladies.

Apologies to the fast bubble, but there was no Pete on the ride to help with the ride report.

All in all, an excellent ride on a lovely sunny autumnal Sunday with a great bunch of riders.