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1st TVC Black Ride of 2023

  • Date: 19 March 2023
  • By: Andy Singleton

Mothers Day put a few of the TVC crew ‘on the clock’ this Sunday so when David Wain suggested a quick Clumber loop as an alternative to the standard RED ride both Andy Singleton and Harry Howlett accepted the invitation.

Andy arrived late due to a road closure in Finningley but managed to call ahead to Chairman Martin Bagshaw and make his excuses. Harry & David kindly waited at the cricket club as the RED riders set off.

With Harry just back from a rather nasty injury following a crash back in November and with David just back from an extended illness the plan was ‘nice and steady’ as the trio headed out of Tickhill towards Harworth with Andy on the front (safe to assume that wouldn’t last long).

David & Harry have been lining up the KOM for the TVC Clumber Loop for some time now and they have a clear plan for the average wattage required, the three section splits and the ideal weather for a ‘proper tilt’ at Gary Durham crown.

Today was a day for recon and with a later start than the standard 7am we also hit the train crossing at Babworth at exactly the wrong time as well as every RED traffic light!

Whilst Harry has been off the bike he certainly hasn’t been off the turbo (the modern day advantage for riders with arm injuries to still be able to train) and his incredible turn of pace and power took him way clear of Andy & David on the Sutton Triple.

Andy tried in vain to hold Harry’s wheel and even at 450w the impressive rider was disappearing into the distance!

A sign of things to come as Harry used the ride as an interval training exercise hitting over 500w and holding for minutes at a time…

The awful road surface through Clumber led to thoughts and plans for the fastest/smoothest route as and when a real attempt to take the KOM takes place.

Meanwhile Andy & David had a lovely catch-up and enjoyed smelling the flowers in the lovely early Spring sunshine!

A headwind home didn’t slow Harry down but at least it gave the others a chance to hold his wheel.

Back to the cricket club in a leisurely 1:40hrs at an elapsed time average of 31kmh (probably more like 33-34kmh average without the stops) and a good 16mins outside Gary’s KOM and 15mins slower than Harry has done the loop on his own where a list was drawn up of the riders seen as capable of forming the perfect KOM peleton could be…you all know who you are!

Andy set off on an extra loop to get a FONDO in having been accorded a Mother’s Day extension pass by his more than patient wife and bumped into a smaller posse of RED riders just as he neared home at Bawtry.

A lovely morning, great company, back in time to spoil the wives and a clear plan for setting that elusive new KOM.

I’m pretty sure that, with a decent crew, Harry will smash it!

1st TVC Black Ride of 2023