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Red Ride to Leger Lakes

  • Date: 31 March 2024
  • By: Jenny Down

Fast bubble: Mike Sales, Jon Brough, , Andy Singleton, Graham Fletcher-Adams (Gary Durham)

Comfort bubble: Pete Down, Rob Stevenson, Mick Abbiss, Diane Jordan, Dave Bradley, Jenny Down

It was Easter Sunday, the clocks had gone forward and there was an air of optimism that Spring had arrived – the weather unfortunately didn’t agree. It was 4C and very misty, but at least there wasn’t any wind. Pete had planned a figure of 8 route stopping at Leger Lakes, so anyone needing to get back to catch the Easter bunny could ‘bug’ out after the café. The fast bubble set off at speed and weren’t expected to be seen again until the café. However Gary had a mechanical on the way to Harworth and most of the fast bubble had stopped to offer their assistance. Unfortunately for Gary, the crank arm had broken off and there was no roadside fix. After giving the correct level of support and micky taking we all left Gary to do the walk of shame back home.

Jon and Graham had obviously noticed a lack of numbers in the fast bubble and were waiting about a mile down the road. There were no other incidents to report as both pelotons made their way through Ranskill, Barnaby Dun, Blyth and onto Carlton-in Lindrick. Making use of the quieter back lanes we made our way through to Woodsetts, Gildingwells and then a steady climb to Dinnington.

We could smell the coffee and bacon as we made our way through to Laughton, then another incident – Jenny had a puncture, being tubeless it was a case of plugging the hole, reinflating and keeping fingers crossed. The remaining comfort bubble went ahead to Leger Lakes to get a table indoors.

After we’d all fed and watered and said ‘bon voyage’ to the fast bubble, the comfort bubble set off minus Diane, who had enjoyed her ride, but was heading home. The mist had cleared and the sun had made an appearance – all was good. Yeah, that didn’t last, Jenny’s trye went flat again, the plug had come out – nothing else for it but to put an inner tube in (thanks Pete).

So we set off again for the hiller part of the route, passing through Morthen and Upper Whiston before dropping down to do the Ulley climb, after regrouping at the top we pedalled our way back to Laughton-en-le Morthen before dropping down into Slade Hooton. From there we went through Maltby and up Cliff Hill, another lung buster all good training for when we go to the big hills later in the year. Back through Braithwell and down Wilsec, which was only fun for Pete who likes a head wind. Did I mention the wind? It was a brutal headwind most of the way back into Tickhill.

Kudos to Gary who walked home, got his other bike and caught up with the fast bubble!

Chapeau Diane for doing the first half of the ride with us.

Cheers Pete for being such a good windbreak on the front.