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Blue ride to Retford

  • Date: 08 October 2023
  • By: Martin Crapper

We were supposed to be having an easier ride so I expected loads of blue people but as usual we were greatly outnumbered by the red group. The forecast was for 20 degrees but not till later. We could see mist but no wind and it was cool.

Blue riders were Tricia Keil (a guest rider), Martin Crapper, Rob Drohan, Robin Heyward and Nick Kay. Before setting off we had a good natured “discussion” about clockwise and anti clockwise. Fortunately I am never wrong about these things!

So we set off east to Harworth and then Serlby getting to know Tricia and worrying she might go too fast for us! Traffic was busy enough to keep us in single file. The mist got thicker then thinner but there was no breeze so we were OK. From Serlby we went on to Ranskill and then Mattersey before turning back on ourselves and on to Sutton. with no wind to speak of it was an unusual ride in that we all felt we were heading into some wind, But we get a rest at the level crossing where we could soon see the red flashing gate lights - which turned green and the gates opened before we got there! At the Main Retford/A1 road we turned left into Retford but before we got too excited we turned off at the mini roundabout and headed passed Ordsall and eventually turned left towards Eaton and then finally left again and back into Retford.

By the time we got to the café it was “looking” a bit warmer so we opted for an outside table, Ordered and sat to wait for snacks to arrive. All went well - editors warning - grab your coffee while you can - one of us was not against drinking everything put in front of him! Nick almost had to do without a drink whilst Rob had two! But reverting to being a gent he went inside to arrange Nick’s drink!

That hadn’t in any way influence Rob’s decision to leave us and go home. as many of you will know he is a rugby fan and wanted to be home for TV coverage of a game. We others, now 4, set off and headed for Clarborough, and whilst there was now a little breeze it still contrived to be a head wind. From Clarborough we headed back towards Clayworth making good (very good) time along the way. Nick decided to punish himself by leaving us to go home Via Strawberry Hill (really called Haughgate Hill) and presumably on then via more hills home. We carried on to Drakeholes and Mattersey and followed the outward route back.

Robin was going to leave us at Stripe road cross roads so we paused to take a photo of the diminished group just for report padding! Tricia and I carried on and got back in plenty of time before the sun was scheduled to come out to play. We made it in one piece with no incidents which I guess made it a good ride. Thanks everyone!

Blue ride to Retford