With a forecast for heavy winds and reality being similar I was surprised to greet Tricia Kril at the cricket club. We were going to be two! Setting off on the planned route wasn’t easy; the wind especially in the exposed lanes was strong and likely to get worse as we tired. So as we rode along Wilsic lane we discussed a plan B but left a decision until we reached the end of the road close to Wadworth.
Leger lakes would have been easier than Wentworth although I wasn’t sure of the route. Wentworth gave Tricia the chance to use her staff discount. But Annabelles sounded interesting and the route was likely to be protected from the wind so we opted for there!
We turned towards Wadworth with the wind no longer hitting us head on and then down Tofield Lane. Oh the relief! If I could have got back to the top without pain I would have freewheeled down at high speed again. But wind doesn’t stop for my convenience so we carried on.
Turning left at the end we followed the tarmac towards Balby, getting off and carrying the bikes up the embankment at the second bridge. When we got to the top, the old railway line was thick with compacted leaves, but more tail wind so we were happy enough.
There were few pedestrians so we seemed to be making reasonable progress even though after the ride we had only averaged 8 mph! We crossed the A60, went along the old railway tracks again, passed Tesco and all the new housing and on towards B&Q.
The roads were busy so we pressed all the right buttons and waited for green lights before heading along the shared paths passed the Lakeside Outlet and into the area of the lake. Back on car free paths we felt more comfortable and chatted our way round the lake edge before finding the gap in the wall and the path away from the lake.
We followed the path to the end and turned left and left again over the railway bridge before pausing on the gateway leading to Potteric Carr nature reserve. Another discussion followed as a result of which we asked the internet about Annabelles opening hours. The hours didn’t matter it was shut all day! Only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday! So we went into Potteric Carr.
We ordered got our drinks and snacks and sat next to a window. We were interrupted twice by helpful people with clipboards or iPads to tell me I had left my lights on. You don’t get that in other cafés.
Back on the bikes we headed passed B&Q and on towards the Amazon lakes passing the closed Annabelle’s café. A little further on we spotted an unmade track and wondered if it would lead us to Wadworth. We set off knowing that we could always come back!
The track wasn’t as rough as we feared but it did have some first quality puddles. We had room to manoeuvre around and didn’t get too wet. We guessed correctly at each possible turn and eventually reached a track leading to a road which became Carr Lane. Rather than head straight back to Tickhill with an almost tail wind we opted to head to Wilsic and the back road home.
It was largely wind supported and a much easier journey than the outward one over this stretch which we appreciated as we made it back to the cricket club; the wind steadily building up as we went. It was good to be back!